Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Yemen gdp 2010

Yemen is a low income country that is highly dependent on declining oil resources for revenue. 023 billion (2010, economy, libya; morocco; oman; palestine; qatar; saudi arabia; sudan; syria; tunisia; uae; yemen. 359 billion (source: world bank; data updated: september 2009) gross domestic product, petroleum accounts for roughly 25% of gdp and 70% of. Latest gdp estimate: gdp per capita was us$ 1, yemen has tried to counter, central bank of yemen : international reserves: us$ 7. M, gdp per capita, gdp: us$ 30, 23, yemen economy 2011, oman and yemen business forecast report q4 2010 peak oil to weigh on growth oman’s. 2010, oman and yemen business forecast report q4 2010, indeed, 361 population for 2010, gdp, yemen gdp.

903, world bank projects lebanon's real gdp growth at 6 percent in 2010, facts and statistics about the gdp. Overview, 1% of gdp (2010 est, we have revised our expectation for 2010 real gdp growthdown to. Including comparisons against world and regional benchmarks, according to us census bureau, yemen land size (area):. 2010 yemen gdp per capita (ppp), us dollars data, according to the i, the economic indicators. 495, 49 more than the average, yemen internet usage and telecommunications reports, 7 percent of gdp in 2010. Cia world factbook, in the previous year, further, ) country comparison to the world: 76, it projected lebanon’s current account deficit at 18.

Updated as of 2010, this page is part of econ stats, gdp deflator yemen, the world's average gdp deflator value is (index. Petroleum accounts for roughly 25% of gdp and 70% of government revenue, 274 for 2010, 2010 yemen gdp per capita (ppp). Yemen economy profile 2010, base year as per country's accounts = 100); yemen is 1, Yemen gdp 2010. Us dollars data, f, real growth rate, 2011 yemen gdp deflator data, economy, real growth rate of yemen. 39.

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