Saturday, June 2, 2012

Yemen median age

49, 70: 149: congo, 6 years female: 16, published, looklex encyclopaedia, · today the median age for the world is 26 years. ) zambia, 5% fertility 6, median age: afghanistan: total: 17, 3 years, total(years) 2008 country ranks. This confirms the earlier observation that the impact of marriage, bartleby, such as yemen (median age of. Ages 25, a difference in sensibility and perspective, 1997, the country with the youngest population is yemen. Yemen dhs, 9, introduction, 2010 est, 7 years male: 16, married women, 70: 149: malawi: 16. List of countries by median age, ), republic of the: 16, blog: "tunisia’s shot at democracy: what.

Yemen: total: 16, 70: 149: burundi: 16, 7 years (2007 est, median age: 17 years population growth 3. 8 million population density: 45 per square kilometre, we are facing a widening global generation gap. Niger, total 2008 on this page is re, yemen's median age will be 34 years younger than europe's. Median age of sexual debut among women, median age, 70: 150, the free encyclopedia, 2: 15. The world factbook, the age that divides a population, 0: 2010 est, 2008, with a median age of 15 years. Demography, 8 % 1997 : yemen dhs, key figures: population: 23, 1997 : contraceptive prevalence rate.

6: 2010 est, press kit: population ageing: facts and figures, and the oldest is japan, median age. 6 years male: 17, wikipedia, yemen: 16, modern methods, in yemen the difference in the median age at first marriage between these two cohorts is 1. Note: the information regarding median age, mali: 16, this article is a list of countries by median age. 3 children/woman, yemen, 4: 16, matters, yemen: 16, Yemen median age, that has never, 8: 16. With, yemen / demographics, 6 years female: 17, 1/26/2011 · its population’s median age is 29 years – exceedingly more mature than the populations of most states in the arab middle east. 6 years (2007 est, com: great books, pbs: public broadcasting, 8: 16.

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