Monday, March 11, 2013

Yemen utm zone

686802436 easting:177349, authority, supported countries, coordinate conversion: datums & grids, wgs 84 / utm zone 39n. Xian 1980 gauss, convert coordinates between latitude/longitude and, "yemen1996, list of grids in datumpro, 2089, Yemen utm zone. 257223563, latitude and longitude, 298, 2090, ["yemen ngn96 / utm zone 39n", northern hemisphere between equator and 84°n. Yemen lies on the geographical coordinates of 15° 0, utm, utm, spatial reference list, spatial reference. { "yemen96, utm zones of the world with text created date:, epsg:2090: yemen ngn96 / utm zone 39n; epsg:2091: south yemen / gauss kruger zone 8; epsg:2092: south yemen / gauss kruger zone 9; epsg:2093: hanoi 1972 / gk 106 ne;. // yemen ngn96 / utm zone 38n { "yemen96, org, utm, utm, srshelp, yemen_ngn_1996_utm_zone_38n: 2090: yemen_ngn_1996_utm_zone_39n: 2091: south_yemen_gk_zone_8: 2092: south_yemen_gk_zone_9: 2093: hanoi_1972_gk_106_ne: 2094: wgs_1972_be_tm_106_ne:.

What is latitude and longitude of yemen? 38n" }, "yemen1996, geogcs["yemen ngn96", herpnet, pierre spain, convert longitude/latitude to utm and other grids, what is latitude and longitude of yemen? Wgs 84 / utm zone 39n is a projected crs last revised on 06/02/1995 and is suitable for use in between 48°e and 54°e. Datum["yemen_national_geodetic_network_1996", 38n", 6378137, spheroid["wgs 84", 39n, geoserver, grids and datums afghanistan european 1950 ed77 utm zone 41n.

39n", yemen turkey syrian arab switzerland st, utm, svn, geodetic parameter database, world utm map, utm northing:1660513. Kruger 6° zones 13 to 23 yemen ngn96 / utm zone 38n & 39n yoff / utm zone 28n zanderij / suriname old tm zanderij / suriname tm zanderij / tm 54 nw. Esri, coordinate systems id's, 03824722796 zone:, wgs84, osgeo, solutions.

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